How To Maintain Your Locks Properly

It’s really easy to forget all about your locks once they’ve been installed. Most people just let them do their jobs, and only think about them when something goes wrong. By that point, the repair could be very expensive -or worse you will have to replace the lock altogether. But with a little preparation and care, you can avoid all that. It’s just a case of knowing how to properly maintain your locks.

Lubrication is Key

One of the simplest ways you can extend the lifespan of your locks is by lubricating them regularly. The type of lubricant you use will depend on what your lock is made of. In general, you’ll need to use either a water-based or a silicone-based lubricant – check with the manufacturer which type you need. These come in a spray can, and all you have to do is spray some into the lock. Wipe away any excess, and then gently insert and remove the key a few times. this helps move the lubricant through. the mechanism and lubricate the key. Doing this once a month will help ensure all the mechanisms can move freely, and that no rust or wear can build up and make the lock stiff.

Don’t Overclean

Don’t get us wrong, cleaning your locks every now and then is a great thing. A soft cloth and a little detergent can keep your locks clean and working well. But don’t clean them too often, as this can actually do more harm than good. And be sure to avoid using petroleum-based products to clean them, as these can be more abrasive and cause scratching.

Take Care of Your Door

Your door itself has more of an impact on lock health than you might think. After all, if there are issues with your door, then your lock won’t be able to do its job properly, which will cause more problems! So make sure your door is installed correctly and hung properly, with no sagging. You want a gap that’s the same size around all edges between the door and the frame, to make sure the door isn’t putting too much pressure on the lock. Oh, and tighten the hinges from time to time too!

Be Careful With Keys

Whenever you use your lock, make sure you’re not forcing your keys. The way your keys go into and come out of the lock can have a huge impact on how quickly your lock wears out. Don’t force your key, don’t bend it, and don’t pull on it when it’s in the lock. And definitely don’t pull the door closed using the key! We’ve seen that one too many times.

Replace Damaged Keys

If you notice that your keys are worn or damaged, stop using them right away. This could cause a lot of problems for your lock, and you’re more likely to snap the key off in the lock. When your key is worn, ‘the teeth won’t interact with the lock the right way, putting pressure on the mechanisms. Your best bet is to get a new key out as soon as possible.

Use A Locksmith

Of course, if you think there is something wrong with your door or lock, call a locksmith for help. We can provide expert advice, do quick door adjustments and cut keys on-site, so you can be sure your locks are in proper working order.

At My Lock Locksmiths, we are MLA approved locksmiths with decades of experience in lock maintenance and core. So if you experience any problems with your lock, give us a call and see how we can help.